This is not warcraft in space
This is not warcraft in space

this is not warcraft in space

Nozdormu later found himself as part of Talonixa's proto-dragon army that moved to combat Galakrond. While not agreeing with all of Ysera's beliefs Nozdormu was rather stunned at Talonixa's deception of herding the bitten into a cave and then collapsing it on them, which eventually killed all the bitten who had begun to act like Galakrond.

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During this time Nozdormu quickly became fast friends with Malygos, Neltharion, Alexstrasza, and Ysera. Like the other proto-dragons Nozdormu rallied under Talonixa by accepting her as alpha in order to deal with the threat of Galakrond and the not-living. He was contemplative and, like Malygos, seemed to be relatively intelligent even compared to other sentient proto-dragons. Nozdormu was a dust-brown male who first met Malygos and Neltharion when he saved them from being devoured by Galakrond. In Azeroth's ancient past, the Dragon Aspects were proto-dragons who stood united against a foe who threatened their entire species: the bloodthirsty Father of Dragons, Galakrond. The Dragon Aspects, before they were Aspects, facing Galakrond. After aiding in the defeat of Deathwing's abominable creation Chromatus and his own insane future self, the Aspect of Time joined his brother and sister Aspects in killing Deathwing once and for all, but at the cost of most of his power, becoming mortal. With the threat of the infinite dragonflight and the advent of the Shattering, Nozdormu found himself less able to ignore the needs of his fellow Aspects and their allies. He intervened in the defeat of Deathwing at the hands of Krasus and his allies, one of the few times he has been seen in the skies of Azeroth. He emerges only infrequently when events require his direct presence. Following this intervention, he retreated into seclusion, immersing himself in his duties. He fought against the demons during the War of the Ancients. Nozdormu the Timeless One, aspect of the bronze dragonflight and guardian of time, is one of the former Dragon Aspects empowered by the titans to watch over Azeroth. Nozdormu upon the defeat of his corrupted future self in the End Time

this is not warcraft in space

What matters is that Azeroth did not fall that we survived to fight another day.

This is not warcraft in space