Obviously Voyager may have been a lot better show if they actually played out the lost-without their resources element, instead of forgetting it consistently to throw away photon torpedos like they're tissues, for example. I just think that when they DID start doing episodes to tie back in info from the Alpha Quadrant, you'd think the biggest event since the Khitimore Accords (if not bigger) would come up. I mean, I totally get that the concept of the ship lost in the Delta Quadrant was so they could explore continuous first encounters and make up new material without the burden of existing Alpha/Beta Quadrant canon (that, at the time, DS9 was exploring masterfully while deconstructing Star Trek tropes at the same time). or maybe some Romulans served on the Enterprise in the Dominion War. And its worst elements (say, for example, the unbelievably patronizing noble-savage way they treat Chakotay's racial background) are worth it mostly to watch Robert Picardo act. Alan Ruck reprised the role in Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, so you might find that. But it's entertaining, and doesn't actively piss me off the way the first two seasons of Enterprise do. Click to expand.It's not actually as bad as I remember.